Over 35 Thousand People Have Signed the Pledge So Far
NORWOOD, Mass., Nov. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — American families are eating together less than ever due to hectic schedules, device addiction, and meal fatigue. Enter Family Dinner Night, a new movement sponsored by Cooked Perfect that is helping families come together for one more meal a week.
Family Dinner Night is gaining momentum through a unique city-by-city tour, taking their branded tiny home on the road and popping up at family-oriented events across the country. Each stop offers complimentary Cooked Perfect meatballs and exciting giveaways, plus exclusive access to The Dinner Bell, a monthly newsletter filled with resources to help bring families together for dinner more often. These tools include crowd-sourced tips and hacks from real people, easy and wholesome recipes, plus fun and engaging conversation starters that go beyond “How was your day.”
All that is asked of individuals is to pledge to have one more meal per week with their loved ones. In six short weeks, more than 35 thousand people have signed the pledge.
“The reaction to the movement has already exceeded our wildest imaginations. At every tour stop, we hear from people who deeply resonate with our message,” said Chelsea Sirios, spokesperson for Family Dinner Night. “This is not another family dinner night ad—it’s a movement to help families be happier and healthier. The way we do that is by being the ultimate ‘how to’ family dinner resource.”
Sirois continues, “We were stunned when we learned about the benefits of families eating dinner together. Numerous studies point to better grades, stronger marriages, better mental health, and closer family connections,” said Chelsea Sirios, spokesperson for Family Dinner Night. “People know it’s important to eat dinner together, but they struggle with how to put it into practice.”
Cooked Perfect plans to double its efforts to drive the movement in 2024, including various partnerships with non-profits, universities, retailers, and other food manufacturers. For more information, visit familydinnernight.com and follow the movement on social media @cookedperfect.
About Cooked Perfect
Cooked Perfect is America’s No. 1 fully cooked meatball brand offering a range of great-tasting, high-quality meatballs to meet the needs of any occasion and recipe. Made with select cuts of meat and flame-broiled to sear in the natural flavors and juices, Cooked Perfect® Meatballs feature a variety of flavors to suit every taste, from traditional Italian Style to Gluten Free, Organic and Turkey. They’re the perfect choice for easy, convenient and delicious meals and appetizers.
You’ll find Cooked Perfect® Meatballs just where you’d expect — in your grocer’s freezer. For the full list of retailers, visit cookedperfect.com/where-to-buy.
Media Contact
Mia Fazio
SOURCE Cooked Perfect