Stop Overworking and Start Overflowing Helps Us Find Passion, Purpose and Peace

BETHESDA, Md., Oct. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, announces the publication of its latest self-help book, Stop Overworking and Start Overflowing: 25 Ways to Transform Your Life Using Human Design. Human Design is a self-help technique that combines ancient and modern science to provide profound insights into an individual’s nature, ultimately assisting them in every decision they make.

Available in paperback and as an eBook, the new title is anchored by Human Design and self-care expert Kristi H. Sullivan who handpicked the coaches, healers, and practitioners who share their stories, experiences, and life-changing tools with readers. Besides Sullivan those contributors include Jen Allen, Connie Aramento, Lauren Armstrong, Amber Clements, Ashley Ashida Dixon, Janette Gallardo, Alana Heim, Rev. Bamboo Ilana, Julianne Joy, Linda Landon, Sandra Lee, Kristy Martin, Jacqueline Martinez, Sabine Messner, April Novoa, Nancy OKeefe, Maggie Ostara, Sally Gamboa Parihar, Mary Jo Rathgeb, Catherine Rivers, Cat Skreiner, Christa Timil Keyes-Venson, Tonia Twigger, Rachael Weaver, and Robin Winn.  

Chapters deal with such topics as how to be in a just-do-it world; how to stop doing and start being; reimagining retirement; going from exhausted to ecstatic; relaxing the pressure of perfection; and go from exhausted and unfulfilled to the career of your dreams.

Stop Overworking and Start Overflowing has forewords by Asha Ramakrishna, the best-selling author of The Priestess Code: Awakening the Modern Woman, and Karen Curry Parker, one of the world’s leading experts on Quantum Human Design.

Praise for Stop Overworking
"Human Design has intimidated and confounded us all with its complex charts and technical jargon ever since its founding decades ago. Kristi Sullivans Stop Overworking and Start Overflowing solves this stubborn problem once and for all. By offering inspiring stories, useful tools, and relatable anecdotes, the book explains Human Design in an easy and understandable way. It masterfully reveals the magic of the modality and how it can indelibly change our lives. This book is a solid and important contribution to the field." Linda Albright, founder,

"As a student and teacher of Human Design, this book shares unique perspectives from the different Human Design types about deconditioning from societal and family programming and learning to live freely as one’s self. It’s a wonderful collection of stories — think Chicken Soup for the Human Design Soul—about how people got their lives out of a rut and onto the track of fulfillment. I’m so excited this book exists as a reference as well as a guide to recommend to my clients. Baeth Davis, owner, 

About Kristi H. Sullivan

Kristi H. Sullivan is an expert in Human Design, yoga and self-care, a speaker and an author who focuses on the needs of busy women. She hosts a virtual community for personal development junkies like herself who seek to improve wellness and relationships, shift mindsets, and manifest more success, wealth and freedom. During COVID-19, she put a 25-year marketing communications career aside to become a full-time solopreneur. Sullivan is an international teacher, retreat leader and influencer on human design and self-care. She has been featured on dozens of podcasts, workshops and conferences and hosted retreats and webinars focusing on wellness, self-care and Human Design. She is also co-author of three best-selling books written and published during the 2020 pandemic: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing, Volume 2; The Great Pause: Blessings & Wisdom from COVID-19; and Transformation 2020

Contact: Laura Di Franco, (703) 915-3653;
; www.KristiHSullivan.com

SOURCE Laura Di Franco